snatch your jawline with botox

The secret’s been out on Botox for a while now with it’s popularity stemming from the injection’s ability to erase wrinkles from your face! With the increase in Botox use, scientists have begun to recognize other benefits from the medication outside of its anti-aging magic. In addition to many other advantages, clinicians have discovered that Botox can also be used to contour your jawline when injected into the masseter muscles of the face.

Discover the Benefits of Jaw Botox at Sempre Day & Medical Spa!

Are you looking to achieve a more refined and slim jawline without undergoing surgery? If so, jaw Botox at Sempre Day & Medical Spa might be the perfect solution for you! The highly skilled professionals at Sempre Day & Medical Spa have perfected the art of masseter Botox and are ready to consult with you today!

what exactly is botox?

Botox, short for botulinum toxin, is a neurotoxin that is used for various medical and cosmetic purposes. When injected into muscles, it blocks signals from the nerves to the muscles, causing them to relax. In cosmetic applications at Sempre Day & Medical Spa, Botox is commonly used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines by temporarily paralyzing muscles in specific areas of the face. It is a minimally invasive procedure that is quick, relatively painless, and requires little to no downtime. Botox is also used to treat certain medical conditions such as chronic migraines, muscle spasms, and excessive sweating. Overall, Botox injections have become a popular option for individuals looking to achieve a more youthful appearance without undergoing surgery.

Various Uses for Botox

Cosmetic Purposes:

  • Reduce wrinkles on the forehead

  • Smooth out frown lines between eyebrows

  • Minimize crow's feet around the eyes

  • Lift the corners of the mouth

  • Soften neck wrinkles (platysmal bands)

  • Diminish bunny lines on the nose

Medical Treatments:

  • Manage chronic migraines

  • Alleviate excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis)

  • Relieve muscle spasms

  • Help with overactive bladder

  • Ease symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ)

  • Reduce the appearance of scars

    Other Uses:

  • Correct a gummy smile

  • Lift and sculpt the eyebrows

  • Slim the jawline (masseter muscle reduction)

  • Improve the appearance of a dimpled chin

  • Soften chin creases

all about jawLINE botox

Ideal Candidate for Jawline Botox

At Sempre Day & Medical Spa, we believe the ideal candidate for jawline Botox is someone looking to enhance their facial contour with a non-invasive procedure. Perfect for individuals seeking a more defined and youthful appearance, jawline Botox can help smooth out wrinkles, reduce the appearance of a sagging jawline, and create a slimmer profile.

The ideal candidate is someone in good overall health with realistic expectations about the results of the treatment. Whether you're dealing with genetically inherited jowls, a poorly defined jawline, or signs of aging in the lower face, jawline Botox can offer subtle yet effective improvements.

Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals while prioritizing your comfort and safety. If you're interested in exploring the benefits of jawline Botox, schedule a consultation with us today to see if this treatment is right for you.

What to Expect with Masseter Botox Injections

Our skilled professionals are experienced in using Botox injections to target the masseter muscles, which are responsible for the strong, square jaw appearance. By strategically injecting Botox into these muscles, we can help relax and slim down the jawline, providing a more contoured and aesthetically pleasing look.

The procedure is quick, virtually painless, and requires no downtime, making it the ideal lunchtime treatment for those with busy schedules. To perform a masseter Botox procedure, the skilled injectors at Sempre Day & Medical Spa will first assess your facial structure and discusses aesthetic goals. The patient's skin is then cleansed, and a topical numbing cream may be applied for comfort. Using a small needle, the Botox is injected into several points along each masseter muscle. The entire procedure typically takes around 15-30 minutes and requires no downtime, allowing clients to return to their daily activities immediately.

While there is no downtime to Botox, like other treatment areas, it is best not to rub or put pressure on the areas that have been injected for at least 24 hours. Avoiding exercise is also recommended for about a day post-procedure. Doing so could move the toxin to other parts of the face. The results gradually appear over the following week as the masseter muscles relax, reducing the appearance of jawline width. Some clients even start to see slimming of the jaw within days. Results typically last for several months, giving you a long-lasting enhancement without the commitment of surgery.

Jawline Botox Cost

At Sempre Day & Medical Spa, Botox is priced per units used. A trained clinician will assess your needs to determine how many units is needed to achieve the desired effect. Number of units may vary by customer but the average is 25-30 units for maximum effectiveness. Currently, clients of Sempre Day & Medical Spa can purchase Botox for $13/unit. However, if you are a Botox frequent flyer, you can save big by becoming a Sempre Day & Medical Spa Member! Members always receive Botox at $10/unit along with a plethora of other perks!

Say goodbye to a heavy or overly square jaw and hello to a more defined and balanced facial profile with jaw Botox at Sempre Day & Medical Spa. Schedule your consultation today to learn more about how this non-invasive treatment can help you achieve your desired look!


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